Hello Springfield & Sydenham
Welcome to the FIFTH edition of the Mitsol Fibre To The Home Springfield & Sydenham Scoop, keeping you in the fibre loop. This newsletter will keep you up to date with the status of all Mitsol fibre builds in the Springfield & Sydenham area and provide you with some important facts about fibre.
If you missed our previous newsletter, Edition FOUR, not to worry, Click Here
Mitsol Fibre Build Progress Report
Springfield – 100% completed and is live.
Sydenham – Civil work is 90% completed, and the fibre build at 60%.
- Suburb blocks South of RD Naidu and North of Moses Kotane are live.
- Suburb blocks South of Moses Kotane Road will be live at the end of October
- Suburb blocks East of Felix Dlamini Road will be live at the end of October
Try Our Fibre For FREE!
If you are still in contract or unhappy with your current Internet service…. Mitsol is offering a 1 month proof of concept for free, with no commitment. If you are happy with the service you can sign up when you are ready, or you can turn it off after the 1 month trial. This is a great way to kick the tyres.
To find out more about this offer, contact us 0861 477 477 or sales@mitsol.net or to sign up CLICK HERE
Faults - First Line Checks
LAN – Solid Green or Flashing Green
PON – Solid Green
Mitsol Fibre Internet Sponsorshp Initiative
To apply for this sponsored service please email our marketing team on marketing@mitsol.net
Most Frequently Asked Question!
Q: Do I cancel my services with my current ISP now that I have received my order confirmation from Mitsol?
A: Although budgeting for a new monthly expense can be stressful, we DO NOT encourage you to cancel your internet services before going live on your new network. There are instances whereby an ISP may suspend an account within hours from date of cancellation, which can create a major inconvenience to you.
Have Any Questions?
Our Fibre To The Home FAQ document will answer any questions or address any concerns you may have regarding the installation of fibre to your property.